| D.D Püns / Leeke Mikhaila liens p1 - Nefer Kane A(n) p42 | |
+100Zun ehowinn Delilah Sylv Alphonse Cein Paraphernalia Limë Valandra Lumina Nae-chan Lenneth Assaliah vinayru gogomike SweetPlastic Rushi chehime alice2 Mutique. Bakhtine Miyumi Charlotte Vanessa papayebong ladynarutochan Tendre Charogne linn aldwen Jacty Mystical Enaibi Heroysa Monster Bory Loofthewood vanyli Kikyô deedlot kaléa-chan Moachan Naelle Lee pepermint Charmy Takuya Azu-Mi Bluu LoRyn kaori hitsugi Maxine lillycat Zillah Fea AlexielLeNeko zort Bone Hologramme Gefarlich .An Shali L'escargot Arylaya Lynxia Rochel *Lulla* k6 pandalilou Follow-the-Wind Azu Sayyadina Sad' Arysuh angy1800 Rozenn Lyly Pie nylh Laure. Belin Blah Lewellyne Subaru-D Myra Mumb@ Darkitty Lyne Linoa Solfiloux de.w *Esthy* Nyo Noya Anne-Laure La Grise elle charme Sandra Papillori Yukito khaarmila Thémis Paillette Sugar-Junkie 104 participants | |
Auteur | Message |
Nombre de messages : 4173 Age : 37 Localisation : Paris Date d'inscription : 22/04/2010
| Sujet: Re: D.D Püns / Leeke Mikhaila liens p1 - Nefer Kane A(n) p42 Mer 23 Mar 2011 - 2:24 | |
| Jade > pas de soucis hein. C'est vrai qu'il faut faire attention à ne pas tomber dans le "too much". Ca risquerait de devenir lassant. D'ailleurs, c'est pour ca que de mon côté, je pense m'arrêter là* (sauf nouveau cas d'énormité chez Leeke). * dans les photomontages mais pas dans mon soutient aux filles, cela va de soi | |
| | | pandalilou Modérateur
Nombre de messages : 6912 Age : 42 Localisation : Alsace (Bas Rhin) Date d'inscription : 07/08/2007
| Sujet: Re: D.D Püns / Leeke Mikhaila liens p1 - Nefer Kane A(n) p42 Mer 23 Mar 2011 - 2:29 | |
| j'ai vu sur DoA que pas mal de gens n'achèterons pas la mikhaila suite a la mauvaise fois flagrante de LEEKE, plus que par soutient pour D.D, et je trouve ça juste génial qu'on ai réussit a toucher des gens comme ça en si peu de temps, si loin... On se braque sur celles et ceux qui ne voient dans la Mikhaila qu'une opportunité d'avoir une Püns pas chère, mais il y a vraiment beaucoup de gens qui décident de ne pas l'acheter justement, et je trouve ça juste énorme.
Déjà je pense que c'est une très belle victoire, car même si on ne voit pas de suite les retombées de cette affaire -il est trop tôt- c'est juste incroyable ce qu'il vient de se faire, de s'organiser et se passer !
Le LDOLL c'est dans quelques mois encore, on a le temps de faire de la pub, de motiver les gens pour venir, et si les gens boycottent LEEKE comme c'est prévu, ça se saura qu'on ne viens pas impunément se servir par chez nous, et la 2de édition du Ldoll (on y crois) devrait se passer dans les meilleures conditions possibles, une compagnie avertie en vaut deux !
Mais maintenant comme dit par d'autres avant moi, on laisse D.D gérer la suite, on se tiens prêt pour un soutien si nécessaire, mais on laisse l'histoire se décanter , vieillir et prendre de la cuisse, et on se concentre sur le Ldoll !
On a montré qu'on sait se mobiliser quand il le faut, alors on va faire un max de pub, que les gens aient envie de vendre leur mémé pour y venir ! _________________ Mon Instagram
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| | | khaarmila
Nombre de messages : 4462 Age : 50 Localisation : près de rennes Date d'inscription : 08/08/2007
| Sujet: Re: D.D Püns / Leeke Mikhaila liens p1 - Nefer Kane A(n) p42 Mer 23 Mar 2011 - 7:08 | |
| Les modo parlent sur le topic D.D, elles aiment la Püns... | |
| | | Sandra
Nombre de messages : 4173 Age : 37 Localisation : Paris Date d'inscription : 22/04/2010
| Sujet: Re: D.D Püns / Leeke Mikhaila liens p1 - Nefer Kane A(n) p42 Mer 23 Mar 2011 - 8:19 | |
| Oui, j'ai trouvé le topic de Püns sur DoA. Ca fait plaisir de voir que même si elles se mouillent pas trop, elles aiment Püns (y'en a même une qui dit qu'elle en veut une depuis octobre). Allez les filles, y'a plein de gens qui veulent des Püns (une autre qui pensait abandonner les BJD jusqu'à ce qu'elle voye Püns). Faut nous faire plein d'adorables Püns, quelles dominent le monde | |
| | | kaléa-chan
Nombre de messages : 2508 Age : 36 Localisation : Savoie Genre : Baleine échouée Date d'inscription : 15/06/2006
| Sujet: Re: D.D Püns / Leeke Mikhaila liens p1 - Nefer Kane A(n) p42 Mer 23 Mar 2011 - 9:26 | |
| Comme l'a dit Panda, on parle beaucoup de nos désillusions face aux gens qui se fichent complètement d'acheter une copie, mais il y a eu aussi énormément de gens qui ne l'achèteront pas en étant informés de ça. C'est une belle victoire, et, au final, je crois qu'on a pas mal atteint notre but, informer le maximum de gens ! Car on ne pouvait pas empêcher les gens d'acheter malgré tout, donc je trouve qu'on s'est plutôt bien débrouillées !
edit : j'ai fait un article aussi sur mon blog, juste pour que les gens aient l'info globale. Il n'est pas très suivi, mais enfin, c'est mieux que rien ^_^ | |
| | | .An
Nombre de messages : 8123 Age : 35 Localisation : Strasbourg Date d'inscription : 21/04/2007
| Sujet: Re: D.D Püns / Leeke Mikhaila liens p1 - Nefer Kane A(n) p42 Mer 23 Mar 2011 - 11:24 | |
| - Anne-Laure a écrit:
- Je suis aussi d'accord avec Esthy, autant les chouettes images de Linoa qui montrent bien qu'il n'y a pas de ressemblance entre Puns et les Unoa (au cas où qqn en douterait) sont importantes, mais pour le reste c'est pas à nous, enfin je ne crois pas, de prouver que Leeke a plagié d'autres trucs avec d'autres poupées.
A la limite filer les montages à Lywann et Nyo pour voir si elles en ont besoin, mais en tt cas pas bombarder Leeke avec ça... Je suis entièrement d'accord et d'ailleurs le dernier montage que j'ai posté, j'en ai parlé à Nyo avant et je lui ai montré après, et ensuite seulement je l'ai diffusé, avec son aval. Il y a déjà Meow qui nous a contactées à propos d'une affaire de copie d'une vendeuse de wig Chinoise, et j'espère simplement recueillir d'autres témoignages de ce genre, à trier pour pouvoir ensuite les transmettre aux D.D si ça peut les aider dans leur dossier contre Leeke. Mais je n'oblige personne à rien, si vous trouvez que les réseaux sont déjà trop saturés, vraiment, chacun s'implique comme il le souhaite | |
| | | Blah
Nombre de messages : 10587 Date d'inscription : 18/07/2009
| Sujet: Re: D.D Püns / Leeke Mikhaila liens p1 - Nefer Kane A(n) p42 Mer 23 Mar 2011 - 12:19 | |
| Réponses de 3 revendeurs Leeke. En gros "pourriez-vous nous en dire plus sur le problème Mikhaila". Bon ben je leur ressort mon petit résumé en anglais ? Plus précisément, je vais le retravailler pour leur envoyer. - Spoiler:
- Citation :
Leeke plans to sell this doll Mikhaila and a Fly Version (with plenty "referencies" too). Here is their creation step by step.
It bears striking similarity to Dust of Doll's artisanaly made Püns. Dust of Doll is a French association of Nyo and Lywann, two French students.
Now that the main protagonist have been presented, some interesting facts and links : -Dust of Doll contacted Leeke to have the art body removed and stop the selling of the Mikhaila. Here is their webpage with their answer (English and French version) : http://dustofdolls.free.fr/ -The seventh picture of Leeke making story has been edited by Leeke after Dust of Doll answered them pointing out interesting fact. The fist posted picture had a picture with the Püns legs and feets (right side). Now it has different legs on it. Before : Dust of Dolls reply to Leeke world by Lillune, on Flickr Now You can check the edit date with http://exifdata.com/index.php, it has a different date than the other. There are also ways to check the use of photoshop on it but right now, i have no link. -Leeke's answer to them editing the picture is to pretend that it was Dust of Doll who is lying and editing it for their purpose. Please, check it for yourself. -Picture 6 of the making story (left side) has a picture of Lillycat's Diabolo , this one to be precise, next to a picture with Püns's leg... Still unedited by now.
Did i forgot to say that Leeke AND Dust of Doll's stand at LDoll in 2010 were side by side and that Leeke was very interested in their doll, took many pictures of their dolls, ask for their card, website and other ?
Thanks to Mhyah who took this picture !
Right now, there is a petition against Leeke and Mikhaila : http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/plagiarismno/ Your signature will be taken in account as soon as you will have validate it.
Facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=157732347593991#!/pages/Leeke-Art-Inspirations/207415345936852 Flickr page : http://www.flickr.com/groups/leekeworld_thief/pool/page2/ On DeviantArt : http://ball-jointed-dolls.deviantart.com/blog/39177577/
On Den of Angel, moderation stands neutral and will only post communicate from both Leeke and Dust of Doll on a locked subject. They clearly stated that there was enough of flickr, DA and other for people to be informed... They also made clear that they will not forbid the doll. There are discussion about wether they are allowed or not it as the mikhaila is clearly a copy. On Matériel Céleste, discussion is much more lively. http://www.materielceleste.com/t32697p870-leeke-previsions-de-mars-le-mikhaila-p1#1142300. Unfortunately, informations are lost in all the post. ><
I know this a very long post and it is not over. There also have been accusation about the head Copy from Enaïbi's Kyrielle, who also was at Ldoll, for some (see next post for picture). Copy from Sugarble's Juniper (Sorry but i cannot find a picture on Sugarble website).
Two years ago Leeke had the same problem with their Milch, a plagiate from a Russian photographist... http://www.flickr.com/photos/gotiks/3313425081/ (Still looking for more information). There are doubt about their Florence who is not dissimilar to artist Kukulaland.
I may have forgotten links and facts but the main is here. Please make your own mind and check yourself or ask different parties for more information. If you could also spread the word... I for one signed the petition and closed my Leeke account after a last copy/paste answer to accusation of theft.
et - Spoiler:
- Citation :
A small chronology of how it all started : -on Mars the 14th (if i'm not wrong) of 2011, Leeke makes announcement about the Mikhaila. In the follonwing minutes/hours, French customers mostly ask them why it looks like so much Dust of Doll's Püns and Enaïbi's Kyrielle. -Leeke answer : "we did not copy !" or at least, that the meaning (and with my account close, i can not copy and paste anymore their answer). -After insulting them and pointing the evidence plus incriminating details on their making story, customers are copy/pasted this :
- Citation :
- Dear customer
We didn't copy dod's doll body.
If we want to copy Dod's doll, we wouldn't meke the doll this way first. http://www.leekeworld.com/images/newbody/22.jpg You can see big chest, small thigh. big thigh's ball.
You pointed the pictures,we were asked about the pictures to Leeke doll artists. They said, it's different company's pictures.
We know, copy a doll is very bad thing in BJD market. So why we do that? we are not small company. Also Leeke staffs are BJD lovers.
What about this doll? Do you think this doll is the same as Dod's doll? This doll is made of 2008. http://leekeworld.com/003_f.jpg
Then what about this doll? http://leekeworld.com/004_f.jpg
But the Dod's doll is made after those two companies. Then Dod's artist copied that company's doll?
From Leekeworld.
Oh and this would be their answer to one of their dealer when she mailed them about the problem. (Found it posted on Materiel Celeste). - Citation :
- Dear Agent,
I am sorry for long email. I am Kristin.
I have to say this sad news, Leekeworld has a Copy issue with new body which is Art body. ( I don't like any rumor for Leekeworld )
Art body has got issue with Dod's doll. They are different size, same thing is only shape. So we have talked with Dod's administrator. Dod wants to stop to sell Art body at Leekeworld.
Leekeworld offer to meet in France face to face. ( Dod is based in France.) Leeke doll artist didn't copy their body. Doll artist swear to Leeke staffs. I trust Leeke doll artists.
But final Art body is simillar with Dod's doll.
That's why we talked with dod for this.
But, Dod don't want to meet Leekeworld. We wanted to solve this issue with Dod. (Anyway, Dod and Leekeworld react emotionally each other.)
Leekeworld will keep sell this body on scheduled. Art body is not copied body dod's doll at all.
We updated this for proof of it which doll artist didn't copied it. http://www.leekeworld.com/En/Community/notice_view.asp?Num=412
Now, Dod told, on the desk, they can see Dod's doll legs which is not Dod's doll. If it's dod's doll body, we wouldn't update that pictures. Is it right? Also I will send a file for korea's artist doll. Is it copy from dod? It's not copy doll too. ( this pictures don't have permission from the artist. So don't update it on public ) On the picture, one of doll is same shape as Art body. But this artist made this doll years ago. Some japan doll artist have same shape doll too. Small chest and big hip are not Dod's own design.
Leekeworld have Milch copy issue. You would heard about that. It didn't working good way with go-between. Go-between didn't have rights for mickey-mouse and russian photographers. Some complain for milch after we check the rights. It was Leekworld's fault. When we found out the rights, we stop to sell that doll(Milch).
This time is different. If Leeke doll artist wanted to copy this doll, they didn't make it first. http://www.leekeworld.com/images/newbody/22.jpg Big chest, small thigh's ball and hip joint.
Leekeworld is not small company anymore. Leekeworld has many doll artist too. So why Leekeworld copy somebody's doll?
Thank you for read long email. If you have any question, please feel free to contact me.
Regards, From Kristin www.Leekeworld.com Oh by the way, they do not want for Dust of Doll to make their answer public... Also, Dust of Doll agreed to meet them in Paris. Just only if their lawyer was there with them...
And Dust of Doll does not claim the shape of pear body, just ot be clear. Just that eventhough Mikhaila is 42cm and Püns 26cm, their proportion are quite the same.
leekeworld's rip of dust of dolls.. by PrincessMagick, on Flickr And finally (for now), when Leeke writes Dod, it stands for Dust of Doll. NOT for dream of Doll. ><
Dust of Doll's flickr, Deviant Art and webpage on this (bis). http://www.flickr.com/photos/dustofdolls/4344228947/ http://dust-of-dolls.deviantart.com/ http://dustofdolls.free.fr/
Lillycat's website and flickr (remember the Diabolo picture) : http://www.lillycat.net/wordpress/2010/09/wip-diabolo-grenadine/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/cerisedolls/sets/72157626076746521/
Enaïbi's http://enaibi.blogspot.com/
Oh and about the Fly Mikhaila, some people had fun pointing out "reference" used by Leeke (and there not all here) : Boycott Leekeworld (keep spreading the word, please) by kirane☻milleliri, on Flickr
Vais enlever l'affaire Milch et la Florence et retravailler sur l'aspect chronologique et ajouter les photos, peut-être plus parlant que les liens. Par contre, est-ce que je garde leur réponse à l'un de leur revendeur ? | |
| | | *Esthy*
Nombre de messages : 3465 Age : 43 Localisation : Haute Savoie Date d'inscription : 09/11/2005
| Sujet: Re: D.D Püns / Leeke Mikhaila liens p1 - Nefer Kane A(n) p42 Mer 23 Mar 2011 - 12:29 | |
| je pense qu'il ne faut pas déborder et se canaliser sur les événement concernant D.D dans l'ordre chronologique. Genre le dernier montage là, je ne le trouve pas très utile moi... | |
| | | Blah
Nombre de messages : 10587 Date d'inscription : 18/07/2009
| Sujet: Re: D.D Püns / Leeke Mikhaila liens p1 - Nefer Kane A(n) p42 Mer 23 Mar 2011 - 12:33 | |
| Je pensais mixer les deux pour refaire la chronologie du premier. Mais c'est vrai que la deuxième partie du second montage (liens, milch,...) ça va virer. | |
| | | Yukito
Nombre de messages : 2885 Age : 35 Localisation : Lyon & Evian Date d'inscription : 23/11/2008
| Sujet: Re: D.D Püns / Leeke Mikhaila liens p1 - Nefer Kane A(n) p42 Mer 23 Mar 2011 - 13:08 | |
| On a agit très vite et je pense qu'on a touché beaucoup de monde. Maintenant que la doll est en vente, on ne peut plus faire grand chose de plus, si ce n'est attendre des nouvelles de Nyo & Lywann sur ce qu'elles vont faire par la suite, et continuer à être derrière elles pour les soutenir.
Pour le LDoll, j'espère sincèrement qu'il y aura un second en octobre prochain (d'ailleurs il faudrait que j'envoie le mail pour la réservation du stand ^^'), et si Leeke revient, bah tout le monde devra se tenir à carreau et c'est tout. | |
| | | *Esthy*
Nombre de messages : 3465 Age : 43 Localisation : Haute Savoie Date d'inscription : 09/11/2005
| Sujet: Re: D.D Püns / Leeke Mikhaila liens p1 - Nefer Kane A(n) p42 Mer 23 Mar 2011 - 14:14 | |
| Ce matin le 23/03/2011 à précisément 10H40 selon Exif Leeke a remis en ligne les anciennes photos du making off, sans manipulation photoshop.
Je crois bien qu'ils ne cesseront pas de nous surprendre XD | |
| | | Blah
Nombre de messages : 10587 Date d'inscription : 18/07/2009
| Sujet: Re: D.D Püns / Leeke Mikhaila liens p1 - Nefer Kane A(n) p42 Mer 23 Mar 2011 - 14:15 | |
| Bon, voici le mail pour les revendeurs. J'ai pas refait la mise en page pour ici désolée par contre je la ferai pour les mails. - Spoiler:
On LDoll 2010 (8-9 of October) In Lyon, France, Leeke and Dust of Doll have neighbours stand as seen on the following picture. https://i.servimg.com/u/f61/16/31/05/57/leekel10.jpg Thanks to Mhyah who took this picture ! On Mars the 14th of 2011, Leeke makes announcement about the Mikhaila http://www.leekeworld.com/En/Product/p_view.asp?it_code=3520. In the following minutes/hours, several customers ask them why it looks like so much Dust of Doll's Püns and Enaïbi's Kyrielle. Here are their flickr and website : http://dustofdolls.free.fr/ (Both in English and French) and http://www.flickr.com/photos/dustofdolls/ http://enaibi.blogspot.com/search/label/poupees Dust of Doll contacts Leeke about this. You can find their answers to Leeke on their webpage (dustofdolls.free.fr) On customers side, Leeke pretends they did not copy and put online the making history of the Mikhaila. http://www.leekeworld.com/En/Community/notice_view.asp?Num=412 Unfortunately, Dust of Doll and customers point out to Leeke details on pictures of the making history : - The sixth picture has a picture of Lillycat's Diabolo, this one to be precise : http://www.flickr.com/photos/cerisedolls/5033283378/in/set-72157626076746521/ , next to a picture with Püns's leg... Still unedited by now. http://www.leekeworld.co.kr/images/newbody/0002.jpg (Lillycat’s Diabolo picture was given to Leeke staff by Lillycat herself during LDoll as they were interested in her dolls along with Dust of Doll’s Püns. It is register to INTI and will be in production.) -The seventh picture has been edited by Leeke after Dust of Doll answered them pointing out interesting fact. The fist posted picture had a picture with the Püns legs and feets (right side). Now it has different legs on it. Before : http://www.flickr.com/photos/myrakineoro/5537066728/in/pool-leekeworld_thief#/photos/myrakineoro/5537066728/in/pool-1605489@N25/ Now : http://www.leekeworld.co.kr/images/newbody/0002.jpg IMPORTANT EDIT : I just found that Leeke put back the original non edited picture. You can check the edit date with http://exifdata.com/index.php, it has a different date than the other (beware not to mistake it with the downloading picture date). There are also ways to check the use of Photoshop on it. -Leeke's answer to them editing the picture is to pretend that it was Dust of Doll who is lying and editing it for their purpose. Please, check it for yourself. Edit : what will they say now they put back the original ? This is the paste/copy answer they made to all customer insisting on pointing the obvious and asking about the editing : - Citation :
- Dear customer
We didn't copy dod's doll body.
If we want to copy Dod's doll, we wouldn't meke the doll this way first. http://www.leekeworld.com/images/newbody/22.jpg You can see big chest, small thigh. big thigh's ball.
You pointed the pictures,we were asked about the pictures to Leeke doll artists. They said, it's different company's pictures.
We know, copy a doll is very bad thing in BJD market. So why we do that? we are not small company. Also Leeke staffs are BJD lovers.
What about this doll? Do you think this doll is the same as Dod's doll? This doll is made of 2008. http://leekeworld.com/003_f.jpg
Then what about this doll? http://leekeworld.com/004_f.jpg
But the Dod's doll is made after those two companies. Then Dod's artist copied that company's doll?
From Leekeworld.
Right now, there is a petition against Leeke and Mikhaila : http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/plagiarismno/ Your signature will be taken in account as soon as you will have validate it. Facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=157732347593991#!/pages/Leeke-Art-Inspirations/207415345936852 Flickr page : http://www.flickr.com/groups/leekeworld_thief/pool/page2/ On DeviantArt : http://ball-jointed-dolls.deviantart.com/blog/39177577/ On Den of Angel, moderation stands neutral and will only post communicate from both Leeke and Dust of Doll on a locked subject. They clearly stated that there was enough of flickr, DA and other for people to be informed... They also made clear that they will not forbid the doll. Edit : now there are subject to discuss the Mikhaila but not the copy issue. On Matériel Céleste, discussion is much more lively. http://www.materielceleste.com/t32697p870-leeke-previsions-de-mars-le-mikhaila-p1#1142300. Unfortunately, informations are lost in all the post. >< This would be their answer to one of their dealer when she mailed them about the problem. (Found it posted on Materiel Celeste). - Citation :
- Dear Agent,
I am sorry for long email. I am Kristin.
I have to say this sad news, Leekeworld has a Copy issue with new body which is Art body. ( I don't like any rumor for Leekeworld )
Art body has got issue with Dod's doll. They are different size, same thing is only shape. So we have talked with Dod's administrator. Dod wants to stop to sell Art body at Leekeworld.
Leekeworld offer to meet in France face to face. ( Dod is based in France.) Leeke doll artist didn't copy their body. Doll artist swear to Leeke staffs. I trust Leeke doll artists.
But final Art body is simillar with Dod's doll.
That's why we talked with dod for this.
But, Dod don't want to meet Leekeworld. We wanted to solve this issue with Dod. (Anyway, Dod and Leekeworld react emotionally each other.)
Leekeworld will keep sell this body on scheduled. Art body is not copied body dod's doll at all.
We updated this for proof of it which doll artist didn't copied it. http://www.leekeworld.com/En/Community/notice_view.asp?Num=412
Now, Dod told, on the desk, they can see Dod's doll legs which is not Dod's doll. If it's dod's doll body, we wouldn't update that pictures. Is it right? Also I will send a file for korea's artist doll. Is it copy from dod? It's not copy doll too. ( this pictures don't have permission from the artist. So don't update it on public ) On the picture, one of doll is same shape as Art body. But this artist made this doll years ago. Some japan doll artist have same shape doll too. Small chest and big hip are not Dod's own design.
Leekeworld have Milch copy issue. You would heard about that. It didn't working good way with go-between. Go-between didn't have rights for mickey-mouse and russian photographers. Some complain for milch after we check the rights. It was Leekworld's fault. When we found out the rights, we stop to sell that doll(Milch).
This time is different. If Leeke doll artist wanted to copy this doll, they didn't make it first. http://www.leekeworld.com/images/newbody/22.jpg Big chest, small thigh's ball and hip joint.
Leekeworld is not small company anymore. Leekeworld has many doll artist too. So why Leekeworld copy somebody's doll?
Thank you for read long email. If you have any question, please feel free to contact me.
Regards, From Kristin www.Leekeworld.com They do not want for Dust of Doll to make their answer public... To clear a few of their lies, Dust of Doll agreed to meet them in Paris. Just only if their lawyer was there with them... And Dust of Doll does not claim the shape of pear body. Just that eventhough Mikhaila is 42cm and Püns 26cm, their proportion are quite the same. There are other pear shape bodies and none looking the same : http://www.flickr.com/photos/an-ovalaire/5539705110/in/pool-leekeworld_thief#/photos/an-ovalaire/5539705110/in/pool-1605489@N25/lightbox/ Finally (and quite important too), when Leeke writes Dod, it stands for Dust of Doll. NOT for dream of Doll. ><
La longueur me fait peur par contre mais j'ai voulu être aussi précise et mettre tous les liens utiles. | |
| | | Sugar-Junkie
Nombre de messages : 1996 Age : 35 Date d'inscription : 30/09/2007
| Sujet: Re: D.D Püns / Leeke Mikhaila liens p1 - Nefer Kane A(n) p42 Mer 23 Mar 2011 - 14:17 | |
| Ben tiens, ils ont dû se rendre compte que ça les décrédibilisait plus qu'autre chose... Vu que tout le monde dit "moi ce qui me choque plus que la copie, c'est qu'ils aient modifiés les photos...", ils se sont dit qu'en remettant les vraies photos, ils récupèreraient de la clientèle.
Raté pour moi. | |
| | | *Esthy*
Nombre de messages : 3465 Age : 43 Localisation : Haute Savoie Date d'inscription : 09/11/2005
| Sujet: Re: D.D Püns / Leeke Mikhaila liens p1 - Nefer Kane A(n) p42 Mer 23 Mar 2011 - 14:22 | |
| une fois qu'on a menti et basé toute sa communication là dessus c'est trop tard XD | |
| | | Subaru-D
Nombre de messages : 5536 Genre : Mauvais. Date d'inscription : 24/04/2008
| Sujet: Re: D.D Püns / Leeke Mikhaila liens p1 - Nefer Kane A(n) p42 Mer 23 Mar 2011 - 14:23 | |
| C'est des magiciens, chez Leeke...un coup on le voit, un coup on le voit plus ! Ils pensent vraiment qu'on est cons à ce point ? C'est qu'ils en deviendraient vexants en plus ! | |
| | | Contenu sponsorisé
| Sujet: Re: D.D Püns / Leeke Mikhaila liens p1 - Nefer Kane A(n) p42 | |
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| | | | D.D Püns / Leeke Mikhaila liens p1 - Nefer Kane A(n) p42 | |
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